Aldea Maya-Ha Cabañas

Puerto Morelos, Mexiko Flagga - Mexiko

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  • restaurang
  • spa


Aldea Maya-Ha is considered an energetic site, conducive to healing, magnificent for its simplicity and at the same time beautiful for preserving nature almost intact. The village can welcome people of all ages and of all beliefs.

The essence of the Village is water, hence the name Maya-Ha which comes from the Mayan language and means Mayan Water. The Riviera Maya is settled on a limestone floor and under it, underground rivers. As there are bodies of water that the ancient Mayans named Cenotes, these Cenotes in the Mayan culture were considered sacred sites. In the Village we find two and they constitute the essence of the place.

Water is a giver of life and a purifying element for the soul, body and spirit, which is why we make use of this element in our ancestral rituals (Temazcal, meditations and healing therapies).


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