Opatija, Kroatien Flagga - Kroatien

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  • restaurang


The Hotel Lungomare Opatija is located right by the sea in the centre of the town and the Opatija Riviera. The hotel offers 3-star refurbished air-conditioned rooms and renovated communal areas, reception area, and hotel restaurant. Within walking distance to the most historic and popular sites in Opatija, the hotel is in a perfect location for a memorable vacation. The hotel also offers an idyllic setting along the Adriatic Sea. Despite the proximity to the hustle and bustle of the city center, the hotel maintains an aura of peace and quiet. The hotel has 49 rooms, of which 31 have balconies with magnificent views of the sea. The other rooms enable you to see all the happenings of the city. The hotel is also a Wi-Fi hotspot so you can surf the net for free during your stay.


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