LUX&EASY Acropolis Suites

Aten, Grekland Flagga - Grekland

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  • Flygplats Athen (ATH): 33.6 km (36 mins)


| 4,5/5
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Lux&Easy brings the new concept in Hospitality. The ultimate Luxury experience in the heart of Athens at an Easy price! Modern apartments with extra-spacious rooms, cutting-edge technology, and minimal design, in combination with customized concierge services in order to satisfy the diversity of needs and requests that each guest might have!

Dreaming of the Acropolis? Our available-to-all-guests rooftop with panoramic views of the Parthenon temple awaits for you here! Check out our luxurious Acropolis Suites and enjoy a unique hotel experience steps away from Athens’ most famous landmark! There is also the option for parking on the spot at an additional cost, upon request.


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