Pafsilipon Suites

Syros, Grekland Flagga - Grekland

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Imagine yourself relaxing on a terrace hovering between the clear sky of Cyclades and the Aegean Sea, blissfully gazing at the mesmeric sunrise. One of the reasons why the suites are named Pafsilipon; meaning the end of sorrow. On the most prestigious district Vaporia in Hermoupolis, the capital town of Syros, Pafsilipon Suites welcome their guests in a world of exquisite charm and indulgence. Standing on the natural rim of an enchanting site, the Suites pay their respect to the minimalist style of Cyclades and promote comfort along with an inspiriting merge of heartwarming colors. The private patios with chairs for sunbathing and dinner table do not compromise on style and lead down to your own private sea access.

Pafsilipon Suites is a Pet Friendly place!


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