Yi Mykonos

Mykonos, Grekland Flagga - Grekland

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  • pool
  • restaurang
  • Bar
  • A/C


| 4,7/5
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The Mykonian architectural style influences the composition of the interior through the creation of curved forms in the walls, openings, and furniture. The connectivity between the bedroom and bathroom is an iconic feature of the experience. The furniture selections is minimalistic and authentic to the Greek style. The materials include wood, straw, terracotta, and colored glass (blue glass drawn from the colors of the sea). Accessories, lighting, artworks, and textiles celebrate the authentic Greek craft. The neutral palette allows the architecture to seamlessly blend into the context, where color accents in the pistachio doors and windows are drawn from the colors of nature (the olive tree). Natural wood shading structures mimic trees to shelter the pathways and seating areas


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